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Landmark moment as 2024 Welsh Bluefin Catch and Release Recreational Fishery permit applications open

Angling Cymru

On the morning of Friday 28th June 2024, the Welsh Government confirmed the operation of a bluefin tuna (BFT) catch and release recreational fishery (CRRF) in Welsh waters for 2024 and opened the permit application process.

This window will be open until midnight on Sunday 14th July.


The fishery will operate from August to December, with exact dates to be communicated shortly.


Click on this this link, which will take you to the landing page from where two additional links are provided to the guidance/information page, and a downloadable application form.


The structure and conditions of the fishery are similar to the English CRRF, with one major difference: For 2024, Welsh Fisheries have decided to open their CCRF to CHARTER VESSELS only, NOT to private recreational vessels as is the case in England.


Otherwise the structure is very similar.


For example, applicants must be registered on the UKSR under Part 1, 2 or 3.


They must provide an SCV2 and photographs of the vessel.


They cannot be in receipt of a permit to operate in any other UK commercial or recreational bluefin fishery.


Applicants with experience in a UK CHART program will be given priority for the up to 15 permits that are available.


Authorised charter skippers/vessels may use a wider range of techniques than that permitted under CHART.


Welsh Fisheries have provided an email contact for any questions you may have, which is:


A small number of Welsh Charter skippers have been operating in both 'ThunnusUK' and 'CHART Cymru' programs in recent years to provide the evidence base to justify the delivery of a bluefin recreational catch and release fishery in Welsh waters.


They should be applauded for their efforts since 2019 which have helped deliver this, Andrew Alsop in particular who along with Angling Cymru's Robert Cole and Julian Lewis-Jones have been the key players in securing this fishery.

It’s a historic landmark moment and is the result of years of hard work. Along with Andrew, Robert and Julian, Angling Cymru would also like to thank Steve Murphy, Rob Rennie and John O’Connor with the Angling Cymru bluefin tuna research team for their tireless efforts.


The UK Bluefin Tuna Association (UKBFTA) have been proud to support their efforts over the last five years and look forward to seeing this fishery develop its potential in coming years.


LLongyfarchiadau Mawr a Phob Lwc i Bawb!

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