Take A Friend Fishing is back for the summer!
That means fishing licence holders can Take A Friend Fishing for FREE between 27th July to 1st September 2024 with a one-day rod licence.
Registration is now open. You can register and also find more info HERE.
Please note: A day ticket from the fishery or angling club will also be required. You can find places to go freshwater fishing in Wales here.
Fishing is something that anyone can do, with no boundaries in terms of age, ability and gender. It can aid your physical and mental wellbeing, fitness and create lasting friendships.

This summer’s Take A Friend Fishing campaign takes place during National Fishing Month from the which runs from 27th July to 1st September. You can find more information about National Fishing Month here.
If any Angling Cymru affiliated clubs are organising any events for National Fishing Month, you can share details HERE to help spread the word!
There are a number of different ways your club or fishery could get involved in National Fishing Month this year:
Organise a simple fishing event, giving people that have never tried fishing before the chance to have a go.
A coaching programme providing the opportunity to not only get more people into fishing, but give them the opportunity to learn how to fish thorough events as part of NFM.
Provide a discount on day tickets – to help get more people fishing or people back into fishing; a fishery may wish to provide a discount on day tickets. For example: free day tickets for Under 12s when fishing with an adult, or 2 for 1 day tickets on a certain day of the week.